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India has suffered terribly recently during the pandemic. The country has had 28.9 million covid cases and more than 300 thousand deaths. In order to help the people of India, the primary school organised a whole College fundraiser.

On Friday, 11 June, the Longest Coin Line Competition was held at Wollemi, with all students invited to bring to school as many gold coins or notes as possible. 1 point for every dollar was added to the relevant house for the Wollemi House Competition. 

The fundraiser raised over $1600. Congratulations to all students at Wollemi for your contribution, to the Primary Captains for coordinating the day, and special mention to our 2G student Michael T who contacted his extended family and dug into his own savings to donate a substantial amount. Well done, everyone! 


Scott Williamson

Head of Primary

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Kindergarten to Year 1