Father & Son camps have been a great tradition at Wollemi College since the beginning, and with all this experience behind us, every year the camps have become bigger and better. These camps aim at strengthening the relationship between Fathers and Sons as well as to get to know the other dads in the class.
Last weekend (19-20 February), we had the Year 2 Father and Son Camp at Blue Gum. After all the lockdowns from last year, it was great to see so many dads coming together back again and getting involved in all the activities that the camp had to offer. From archery to rock climbing, you could see the joy in people's faces as they enjoyed each other’s company. The comment I heard from one of our year 2's summarises their feelings: "Why does the camp have to last only two days, I would like to spend the whole year here!"
Our Year 2 boys stepped up to the challenge of a short bushwalk on Sunday morning and one of the boys said: 'That was the funnest bushwalk I have ever been". I would like to congratulate all the Year 2 boys for this achievement and for behaving so well during the camp.
A big Thank you to Fr Anthony who came to say Mass for us, to all the teachers who came to spend time with us and especially to our Year 2 Class Parents - Danny Morched and Andrew Zahra - for putting the BBQ together on Sunday. It was such a nice way to finish and to meet everyone. Finally, a big Thank you to all the Year 2 Fathers who decided to take the weekend off to spend time with their son and their classmates and Dads. We couldn’t have done it without your help and I think everyone is already looking forward to next year’s camp.
Jack Johnson
Director of Personalised Education
Read the below testimony from Wollemi teacher and Year 2 Dad, Mark White

"The invigorating surroundings of the beautiful Blue Mountains at Blue Gum Lodge, Springwood, was a most apt environment for the Year 2 Father and Son Camp last weekend. It was a full house in attendance, and it was the first Father and Son Camp for nearly two years! Archery, indoor rock climbing, swimming, bushwalking and indoor soccer, made for a cohesive time for the dads and the students. The boys participated in the activities throughout the weekend with much enthusiasm and excitement. The dads even managed to enjoy a get-together Saturday night, with a few iced waters! Thanks to Jack Johnson, who stayed the whole weekend and who coordinated the weekend so graciously. Thank you to all the dads and to Father Anthony, who celebrated Mass for us both Saturday and Sunday. Thanks to the other staff who visited over the weekend: Mr Ramos, Mr Williamson, Mr Uyeda, Mr Breen and Mr Spagna. The ubiquitous positivity and atmosphere of getting back to a sense of normality after two years, was very noticeable, which made for a real positive vibe amongst the happy campers. A terrific weekend, thanks be to God."
Mark White