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Wollemi College celebrated a momentous occasion at a recent school assembly as they officially inducted their new school leaders for 2024. The 2024 school leadership team includes Peter W, who takes on the role of School Captain, and Noah P, who assumes the position of Vice Captain. Additionally, the school proudly introduced the House Captains for the upcoming year: Madhav S, Sebastian A, William M, and Petelo D.
The assembly served as an opportunity to express gratitude to the outgoing leaders, Steve J (Captain) and Sourav S (Vice Captain), who had served with dedication and commitment. Their presence at the assembly, on the eve of their HSC exams, was greatly appreciated by the college community. The assembly was made even more special as it took place in the newly upgraded COLA.
The Wollemi College community extended its heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the new school leaders. They expressed their confidence that Peter, Noah, Madhav, Sebastian, William, and Petelo would lead the school with honour, carrying forward Wollemi's legacy and fostering a culture of excellence, respect, and leadership. The school looks forward to the contributions and achievements that the new leadership team will bring in the year 2024.

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