Last Wednesday the Secondary School gathered together for a special assembly where we presented our Dux and Application Awards for the Class of 2021. Congratulations to Yohann M for receiving the top academic honour at Wollemi, as well as to Matthew C and Miguelle C for their Application Awards.
During this assembly, I pointed out to the boys how fitting it was that the three outstanding performers being recognised, who also happened to achieve the three highest HSC scores of their class, were better known to our Wollemi community not for their academics, but for their contribution to leadership within the school as School Captain (Yohann), Vice-Captain (Miguelle) and Araluen House Captain (Matthew). It is further evidence that our focus on character development at the PARED schools can and does lead to outstanding academic performances among our students. Our Secondary Leaders receiving their badges last Wednesday were certainly conscious of the wonderful example set before them.
- James Ramos, Headmaster
Below is an excerpt from Mr Ian Mejia’s Speech: Dux Assembly and Awarding.
In a year when it would have been very easy to make excuses, to give up, to take the foot off the gas, to rest on their laurels, our award recipients today chose to keep striving.
You may often hear talk of our PARED bubble. This idea is that perhaps within this safe bubble there is a big difference to the outside world. A safe harbour so to speak. And in many respects this is true, and we are unashamed of this fact. Because within this safe harbour we can build ships without the difficulties of the open seas.
Our graduates are our sailing ships and despite being made in a safe harbour, they were never built to stay here, but rather to venture out, built to take the brunt of rough seas, to go ‘duc in altum,’ into the deep!
To our application recipients, thank you for being great examples of Wollemi men, we are so proud of you. May this award not represent a reward at the end of your Wollemi journey, but wind in your sails as you do great things beyond these gates.
Our Application Award recipients for 2021, Miguelle C and Matthew C.
Our next award is the College Dux. And allow me to indulge in a personal anecdote. In Year 11 Yohann made the Hillzone representative basketball team that I coach, and the other coaches would always say “Yohann is a natural.” Yohann was athletic, coordinated, and to the envy of many of us Filipinos, relatively tall. Making the Hillzone team seemed natural.
But I also, in the same year, had the privilege of teaching Yohann in Business Studies. And I hope Yohann is not offended by this, but I wouldn’t call him talented, naturally gifted, or lucky. He was, as many of his other teachers would say, “hard-working and diligent.” This was reinforced to me last year, as even when I left Wollemi, Yohann still sent me about 10 practice essays, as he wanted to continually improve and receive every piece of feedback that he could.
That’s the kind of mindset that Yohann had. And it is way more important than being naturally talented. So personally it makes me very proud to award this to Yohann, and our whole Wollemi Community is proud of you too.
Congratulations to our College Dux for 2021, Yohann M.